Welcome to all riot grrrl fans & researchers!

Tank girl drawing by Isa Norris-Howard
   “Tank girl” by Isa N-H

This site was created for fans and researchers to learn more about the riot grrrl movement, which occurred before the internet changed the ways in which we shared information, communicated and expressed ourselves. Despite its brevity, riot grrrl left an indelible mark on music and culture and I hope that everyone will enjoy re-discovering and/or learning about the 1990s “girl style” revolution.

I have included a wide variety of information within this archive and it is my hope that you will take the opportunity to fully delve into the provided materials and come up with your own thoughts and opinions on the strengths, weaknesses and impacts of the riot grrrl movement.

As I am a graduate student and not a professional archivist, I am not collecting information for an institution and have created a free resource guide that includes links to all of the available information that I was able to discover online. I hope that the authors of the zines and the musicians have consented to having their material online, but if I hear otherwise, I will certainly remove the links to their work.

Please note that throughout this resource guide, links can be found in blue text and my notes along the way will be written in red. 

My future goal is to expand upon this project in the form of a LibGuide or perhaps a Wikipedia style website in which others may share their experiences and download their personal artifacts from this time period.

If you would like for me to remove your creative work or would just like to connect and speak about punk, riot grrrl, queercore, etc., please email me at [email protected].

To all of my dear rebel girl(s), you are (and will forever be) the queen(s) of my world….

red heart